BPC-Screenplay Debut Edition


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closed - maintenance LIBRARY GALLERIES

Download groups of images using the links below, then extract the files to your Image Library.

The image library is intended for users of 'BPC-Screenplay' software and are generic groups of photographs for download and free use within 'BPC-Screenplay' projects.

All the images are trimmed for 16:9 with several points of view to encourage users to vary their shots within a single scene. The low resolution images can be imported into bpc screenplay projects without leading to excessive storage requirements, however users should be aware that using high resolution graphics will quickly require large amounts of disc space as longer projects are built up. The images fall into three categories, firstly low resolution photos from different cities, secondly, low resolution 'quick images' of figures against neutral backgrounds and thirdly higher resolution images of figures against a transparent background (.psd files) for integration with your own images.

Users are encouraged to submit images to share via the forum. Images should be 640x320 jpegs.

BPC-Screenplay users can add their own images to their library, as photographs, graphics, or by scanning hand drawn sketches to build their projects.


QUICK FIGURES - These images of figures set against a neutral background are intended for use with early drafts, to enable writers to concentrate on building dialogue and dramatic structure before refining their visuals on the timeline. We have included a sample series of figures with the programme download, but intend to update this from time to time with additional figures and options. The psd figures are high resolution graphic sketches of figures for users to select for addiiton to their own images.
downloads (.rar)
Baltic Island quick figures psd figures
BERLIN Cracow-Poland London & UK
mute audio